Negative Effects of Technology on Body, Mind and Relationships: Research and Literature
This is a reference page where you can find academic research on:
- The phenomenon of Digital Stress, effects, and studies.
- Evidence of the impact of the principles behind the paradigm shift we present on this website as a completely new way to think about our mind and our relationship with technology.
Physical effects
Research suggests a correlation between Digital Stress and health problems like:
- Back pain
- Headache
- Neck pain
- Digital eye strain
- Aching joints
- Muscle tension
- Obesity
- Cardiac risks
- Insomnia
- Sitting disease
- Metabolism disorders
- Tiredness
Shete, K., Suryawanshi, P., & Gandhi, N. (2012). Management of low back pain in computer users: A multidisciplinary approach. Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine,3(1), 7. doi:10.4103/0974-8237.110117
Headache in Smartphone Users: A Cross-Sectional Study. (2016). Journal of Neurology and Psychology, 4(1). doi:10.13188/2332-3469.1000025
Terry K. Sanderlin, (spring 2004) “Managing Technostress in the Organizational Environment: Symptoms and Solutions,” Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association 26-32
Kautiainen, S., Koivusilta, L., Lintonen, T., Virtanen, S. M., & Rimpelä, A. (2005). Use of information and communication technology and prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents. International Journal of Obesity, 29(8), 925-933. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0802994
Reddy, S. C., Low, C., Lim, Y., Low, L., Mardina, F., & Nursaleha, M. (2013). Computer vision syndrome: a study of knowledge and practices in university students. Nepalese Journal of Ophthalmology, 5(2). doi:10.3126/nepjoph.v5i2.8707
Rathore, D. (. (2016). A Cross Sectional Study to assess prevalence of Computer Vision Syndrome and vision related problems in Computer Users. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research. doi:10.18535/jmscr/v4i6.54
Hakala, P. T., Saarni, L. A., Punamäki, R., Wallenius, M. A., Nygård, C., & Rimpelä, A. H. (2012). Musculoskeletal symptoms and computer use among Finnish adolescents – pain intensity and inconvenience to everyday life: a cross-sectional study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 13(1). doi:10.1186/1471-2474-13-41
Thomée, S., Härenstam, A., & Hagberg, M. (2012). Computer use and stress, sleep disturbances, and symptoms of depression among young adults – a prospective cohort study. BMC Psychiatry, 12(1). doi:10.1186/1471-244x-12-176
Thomée, S., Härenstam, A., & Hagberg, M. (2011). Mobile phone use and stress, sleep disturbances, and symptoms of depression among young adults – a prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health, 11(1). doi:10.1186/1471-2458-11-66
Thomée, S., Eklöf, M., Gustafsson, E., Nilsson, R., & Hagberg, M. (2007). Prevalence of perceived stress, symptoms of depression and sleep disturbances in relation to information and communication technology (ICT) use among young adults – an explorative prospective study. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(3), 1300-1321. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2004.12.007
Liang, W. (n.d.). Exposure to blue-enriched light before bedtime has negative impact on sleep quality, circadian clock and next-morning alertness. doi:10.5353/th_b5662649
Wilmot, E. G., Edwardson, C. L., Achana, F. A., Davies, M. J., Gorely, T., Gray, L. J., Biddle, S. J. (2012). Sedentary time in adults and the association with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and death: systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetologia, 55(11), 2895-2905. doi:10.1007/s00125-012-2677-z
Dunstan, D. W., Salmon, J., Owen, N., Armstrong, T., Zimmet, P. Z., Welborn, T. A., . . . Shaw, J. E. (2005). Associations of TV viewing and physical activity with the metabolic syndrome in Australian adults. Diabetologia, 48(11), 2254-2261. doi:10.1007/s00125-005-1963-4
Mental effects
Research suggests a correlation between Digital Stress and disorders like:
- Addiction to digital devices and services
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Personality disorders
- Stress
- Sexual problems
- Social isolation
- Relationship problems
- Learning difficulties
Thomée, S., Härenstam, A., & Hagberg, M. (2012). Computer use and stress, sleep disturbances, and symptoms of depression among young adults – a prospective cohort study.
Thomée, S., Härenstam, A., & Hagberg BMC Psychiatry, 12(1). doi:10.1186/1471-244x-12-176, M. (2011). Mobile phone use and stress, sleep disturbances, and symptoms of depression among young adults – a prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health, 11(1). doi:10.1186/1471-2458-11-66
Thomée, S., Eklöf, M., Gustafsson, E., Nilsson, R., & Hagberg, M. (2007). Prevalence of perceived stress, symptoms of depression and sleep disturbances in relation to information and communication technology (ICT) use among young adults – an explorative prospective study. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(3), 1300-1321. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2004.12.007
Mittal, V. A., Tessner, K. D., & Walker, E. F. (2007). Elevated social Internet use and schizotypal personality disorder in adolescents. Schizophrenia Research, 94(1-3), 50-57. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2007.04.009
Pearson, C., & Hussain, Z. (n.d.). Smartphone Use, Addiction, Narcissism, and Personality:. Gaming and Technology Addiction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, 212-229. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0778-9.ch011
Liu, C., Lin, S., Pan, Y., & Lin, Y. (2016). Smartphone gaming and frequent use pattern associated with smartphone addiction. Medicine, 95(28). doi:10.1097/md.0000000000004068
Beyens, I., Frison, E., & Eggermont, S. (2016). “I don’t want to miss a thing”: Adolescents’ fear of missing out and its relationship to adolescents’ social needs, Facebook use, and Facebook related stress. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.05.083
Tarafdar, M., Pullins, E. B., & Ragu-Nathan, T. S. (2014). Technostress: negative effect on performance and possible mitigations. Information Systems Journal, 25(2), 103-132. doi:10.1111/isj.12042
Cavaglion, G. (2008). Cyber-porn Dependence: Voices of Distress in an Italian Internet Self-help Community. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 7(2), 295-310. doi:10.1007/s11469-008-9175-z
Owens, E. W., Behun, R. J., Manning, J. C., & Reid, R. C. (2012). The Impact of Internet Pornography on Adolescents: A Review of the Research. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 19(1-2), 99-122. doi:10.1080/10720162.2012.660431
Thompson, P. (2013). The digital natives as learners: Technology use patterns and approaches to learning. Computers & Education, 65, 12-33. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2012.12.022
Siddiqi, S., & Memon, Z. A. (2016). Internet Addiction Impacts on Time Management That Results in Poor Academic Performance. 2016 International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT). doi:10.1109/fit.2016.020
Hamer, M., Coombs, N., & Stamatakis, E. (2014). Associations between objectively assessed and self-reported sedentary time with mental health in adults: an analysis of data from the Health Survey for England. BMJ Open, 4(3). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004580
Davis, R. (2001). A cognitive-behavioral model of pathological Internet use. Computers in Human Behavior, 17(2), 187-195. doi:10.1016/s0747-5632(00)00041-8
Wilfong, J. D. (2006). Computer anxiety and anger: the impact of computer use, computer experience, and self-efficacy beliefs. Computers in Human Behavior, 22(6), 1001-1011. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2004.03.020
Kaliszewska-Czeremska, K. (2011). Modelling Excessive Internet Use:s Revision of R. Davis’s Cognitive-Behavioural Model of Pathological Internet Use. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 42(3). doi:10.2478/v10059-011-0018-6
Utz, S., Muscanell, N., & Khalid, C. (2015). Snapchat Elicits More Jealousy than Facebook: A Comparison of Snapchat and Facebook Use. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18(3), 141-146. doi:10.1089/cyber.2014.0479
Elphinston, R. A., & Noller, P. (2011). Time to Face It! Facebook Intrusion and the Implications for Romantic Jealousy and Relationship Satisfaction. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14(11), 631-635. doi:10.1089/cyber.2010.0318
Muise, A., Christofides, E., & Desmarais, S. (2009). More Information than You Ever Wanted: Does Facebook Bring Out the Green-Eyed Monster of Jealousy? CyberPsychology & Behavior, 12(4), 441-444. doi:10.1089/cpb.2008.0263
Appel, H., Crusius, J., & Gerlach, A. L. (2015). Social Comparison, Envy, and Depression on Facebook: A Study Looking at the Effects of High Comparison Standards on Depressed Individuals. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 34(4), 277-289. doi:10.1521/jscp.2015.34.4.277
Hartmann, S., & Wanner, B. (2016). Chapter 3. Does Facebook Cause Addiction? An Analysis of German Facebook Users. Facets of Facebook. doi:10.1515/9783110418163-004
Chan, T. H. (2014). Facebook and its Effects on Users’ Empathic Social Skills and Life Satisfaction: A Double-Edged Sword Effect. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(5), 276-280. doi:10.1089/cyber.2013.0466
Krasnova, Hanna; Wenninger, Helena; Widjaja, Thomas; Buxmann, Peter (2013). Envy on Facebook: a hidden threat to users’ life satisfaction? In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2013). Universität Leipzig, Germany. 27.02.-01.03.2013.ù
Young, K. (2015). The Evolution of Internet Addiction Disorder. Internet Addiction Studies in Neuroscience, Psychology and Behavioral Economics, 3-17. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-07242-5_1
Yao, M. Z., & Zhong, Z. (2014). Loneliness, social contacts and Internet addiction: A cross-lagged panel study. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, 164-170. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2013.08.00
Effects on work performance
Research suggests a correlation between Digital Stress and symptoms such as:
- Difficulty concentrating
- Decreased productivity
- Work dissatisfaction
- Decreased attention and precision
- Increased stress and related risks
Buser, T., & Peter, N. (n.d.). Multitasking: Productivity Effects and Gender Differences. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.1766552
Adler, R. F., & Benbunan-Fich, R. (2012). Juggling on a high wire: Multitasking effects on performance. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 70(2), 156-168. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2011.10.003
Carrier, L. M., Rosen, L. D., Cheever, N. A., & Lim, A. F. (2015). Causes, effects, and practicalities of everyday multitasking. Developmental Review, 35, 64-78. doi:10.1016/j.dr.2014.12.005
Siddiqi, S., & Memon, Z. A. (2016). Internet Addiction Impacts on Time Management That Results in Poor Academic Performance. 2016 International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT). doi:10.1109/fit.2016.020
Terry K. Sanderlin, (spring 2004) “Managing Technostress in the Organizational Environment: Symptoms and Solutions,” Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association 26-32
Wilfong, J. D. (2006). Computer anxiety and anger: the impact of computer use, computer experience, and self-efficacy beliefs. Computers in Human Behavior, 22(6), 1001-1011. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2004.03.020
Tarafdar, M., Pullins, E. B., & Ragu-Nathan, T. S. (2014). Technostress: negative effect on performance and possible mitigations. Information Systems Journal, 25(2), 103-132. doi:10.1111/isj.12042
Carrier, L. M., Cheever, N. A., Rosen, L. D., Benitez, S., & Chang, J. (2009). Multitasking across generations: Multitasking choices and difficulty ratings in three generations of Americans. Computers in Human Behavior, 25(2), 483-489. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2008.10.012
Paridon, H. M., & Kaufmann, M. (2010). Multitasking in work-related situations and its relevance for occupational health and safety: Effects on performance, subjective strain and physiological parameters. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 6(4). doi:10.5964/ejop.v6i4.226
Thompson, P. (2013). The digital natives as learners: Technology use patterns and approaches to learning. Computers & Education, 65, 12-33. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2012.12.022
Tams, S., Thatcher, J., & Ahuja, M. (2015). The Impact of Interruptions on Technology Usage: Exploring Interdependencies Between Demands from Interruptions, Worker Control, and Role-Based Stress. Information Systems and Neuroscience Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, 19-25. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-18702-0_3
Spira, J. B., & Feintuch, J. B. (2005). The Cost of not paying attention: how interruptions impact knowledge worker productivity. United States: Basex.
New phenomena
Here’s a list of related phenomena being researched by the scientific community.
- Information overload (also Infobesity, Infoxication)
Cognitive overload due to an excessive input of information. - Computer rage
Heightened anger related to the use of digital technologies. - Phantom vibration syndrome
Tactile hallucination that one’s mobile phone is vibrating or ringing when in fact it is not. - FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
Pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent. - Texting while driving
Using a digital device while operating a motor vehicle and all the risks associated.
Recommended reading
Books – scientific and educational – about Digital Stress and related subjects.
Brod, Craig. (1984). Technostress: the human cost of the computer revolution. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Weil, M. M., & Rosen, L. D. (1997). TechnoStress: coping with technology @work @home @play. New York: Wiley.
Shenk, D. (1998). Data smog: surviving the information glut. New York: HarperEdge.
Zuckerman, A., & Cheifet, S. (2001). Tech trending: the technology survival guide for visionary managers. Oxford (UK): Capstone.
Carr, N. G. (2011). The shallows: what the Internet is doing to our brains. New York: W.W. Norton.
Roda, C. (2011). Human attention in digital environments. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Young, K. S., & Abreu, C. N. (2011). Internet addiction: a handbook and guide to evaluation and treatment. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Sieberg, D. (2012). The digital diet: the 4-step plan to break your tech addiction and regain balance in your life. London: Souvenir.
Rosen, L. D., Cheever, N. A., & Carrier, L. M. (2013). IDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession with Technology and Overcoming its Hold on Us. New York, NY.: Palgrave Macmillan.
Pang, A. S. (2013). The distraction addiction: getting the information you need and the communication you want, without enraging your family, annoying your colleagues, and destroying your soul. New York: Little, Brown.
Greenfield, S. (2015). Mind change: how digital technologies are leaving their mark on our brains. New York: Random House.
Scott, S. J. (2015). 10-minute digital declutter: the simple habit to eliminate technology overload. United States: Oldtown Publishing LLC / Archangel Ink.
LEVY, D. M. (2016). Mindful Tech: A Simple, Powerful Program to Use Digital Technologies More Effectively and with Less Stress. New Haven: YALE UNIV Press.
Newport, C. (2016). Deep work: rules for focused success in a distracted world. New York, NY: Grand Central Publishing.
Crawford, M. B. (2016). The world beyond your head: how to flourish in an age of distraction. United Kingdom: Penguin Books.
The Paradigm shift
On this website, we propose a paradigm shift to thrive in the digital age, It’s not a far-flung theory.
The three principles that are behind this new understanding, have been tested for decades and there is ample scientific research on the subject.
We report the three Principles Papers Published, Forthcoming, or Under Review in Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Journals. (Reference is taken from Three principles global community website)
Kelley, T. M., Pettit, W. F., Pransky, J., & Sedgeman, J. (Forthcoming). A new “inside-out” view of general factor p. European Psychiatry.
Abstract: Research suggests that all forms of psychopathology have one common liability commonly known as general factor p. While several hypotheses have been offered regarding this common factor, p has yet to be clearly defined. We posit that researchers have come up short handed thus far in their search for general factor p because they have not been searching from the best vantage point. We propose a new “inside-out” perspective on p based on what we posit is the exclusivity of people’s understanding and use of the agency of thought in the etiology and maintenance of all forms of psychopathology and mental health.
Kelley, T. M., Hollows, J., Savard, D., & Pransky, J. (Forthcoming). The efficacy of intensive three principles correctional counseling for improving the mental health/resilience of people in an English prison. Offender Rehabilitation.
Abstract: We investigate the efficacy of intensive three principles correctional counseling (3PCC) for improving the mental health of people in an English prison. 175 prison residents receiving intensive 3PCC and 127 control participants completed the Three Principles Inventory, Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale, Purpose in Life Test, and PROMIS depression, anxiety, and anger inventories. Compared with the control group, participants receiving intensive 3PCC showed a significant increase in three principles understanding, mental wellbeing, and purpose in life, and a significant decrease in depression, anxiety, and anger. At five-month follow-up each benefit shown at post-test was either maintained or significantly improved.
Kelley, T. M., Wheeldon-Reece, B., & Lambert, E. (Under review at School Mental Health). The Efficacy of Mental Health Education for Improving the Mental Health and School Climate Perceptions of Students at High-Risk for School Failure and Delinquency
Abstract: This study is the first to test the efficacy of a psycho-spiritual mental health education intervention called three principles/innate health for improving the mental health and perceptions of school climate of students at-risk for school failure and delinquency. Ninety-nine students from schools in low income minority communities completed the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Survey, Difficulties in Emotional Regulation Scale, and several components of the Alaska School Climate and Connectedness Survey. Compared with the control group, students exposed to three principles/innate health showed improved mental health evidence by significant increases in wellbeing/self-esteem, state of mind, and hope for the future, and improved perceptions of school climate evidenced by significant improvements in communication/conflict resolution, valuing academic success, and relational trust with school peers, school staff, and the school community.
El-Mokadem, J. & DiMarko, K., Kelley, T. M., & Duffield, L., Three Principles/Innate Health: The efficacy of a new mental health education intervention for chronic fatigue syndrome. (Under review at Cogent Psychology)
Abstract: This preliminary study is the first to investigate the efficacy of a new psycho-spiritual mental health education intervention commonly known as Three Principles/Innate Health (3P/IH) for improving the psychological and physical health of people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Twenty-two people diagnosed with CFS were randomly assigned to experimental groups. Compared with the waitlist control group, participants receiving 3P/IH education reported a significant improvement in mental and physical wellbeing and a significant reduction in depression, anxiety, fatigue, and pain interference. Following the treatment group, waitlist control participants received the same intervention after which they reported a significant improvement in mental and physical wellbeing and a significant reduction in anxiety, fatigue, and pain interference. The psychological and physical improvements reported by participants were maintained at follow-up.
Kelley, T. M. Hollows, J., Bowens, S., Kryvanos, A., & Pransky, J. The efficacy of Three Principles Correctional Counseling for Improving the mental health and self-control of people prone to sexual violence in an English prison. (Under review at Trauma, Violence and Abuse)
Abstract: This study is the first to examine the efficacy of Three Principles Correctional Counseling (3PCC) for improving the mental health and self-control of people prone to sexual violence (SV). We first describe 3PCC and distinguish it from cognitive behavior therapy and other prevailing interventions for SV-prone individuals. Then we propose a formula grounded in the logic of 3PCC to gauge people’s propensity to perpetrate SV. Finally, we present a preliminary study that tests the efficacy of 3PCC for improving the mental health and self-control of SV-prone residents in an English prison. Prison residents completed the Three Principles Inventory, Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Survey, Grasmick Low Self-Control Scale, and the PROMIS-Short Form depression, anxiety, and anger scales. Compared with the control group, participants receiving 3PCC showed a significant improvement in three principles understanding and mental wellbeing, and a significant reduction in low self-control, depression, anxiety, and anger
Kelley, T. M., Hollows, J., Savard, D., & Pransky, J. (Forthcoming in 2019). The efficacy of intensive three principles correctional counseling for improving the mental health/resilience of people in an English prison. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation
Abstract: We investigate the efficacy of intensive three principles correctional counseling (3PCC) for improving the mental health of people in an English prison. 175 prison residents receiving intensive 3PCC and 127 control participants completed the Three Principles Inventory, Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale, Purpose in Life Test, and PROMIS depression, anxiety, and anger inventories. Compared with the control group, participants receiving intensive 3PCC showed a significant increase in three principles understanding, mental wellbeing, and purpose in life, and a significant decrease in depression, anxiety, and anger. At five-month follow-up each benefit shown at post-test was either maintained or significantly improved. Keywords: three principles correctional counseling; innate mental health; Mind, consciousness, and thought; thought recognition; innate health via a clear mind
Kelley, T. M., & Pransky, J. (2018) A new principle-based view of intimate partner violence and its prevention. Partner Abuse, 9, 1, 58-74.
Abstract: At present, no peer reviewed intervention has been shown to clearly and consistently prevent intimate partner violence (IPV), or reduce its recurrence. We propose that the limited effects of current IPV interventions reflect the field’s absence of fundamental principles that account for all psychological experience. We further posit that the principles that explain people’s psychological lives have been uncovered. We briefly describe these principles, and delineate the process from exposure to the principles to improved mental health, and improved behavior. Then we use the logic of these principles to offer a formula to measure people’s propensity for IPV, and provide the missing components in IPV prevention.
Evans, D. R., & Pevalin, D. J. (2017). Using the principle based model to improve well-being in school: A mixed-methods pilot study. Sage Open,
Abstract: The contemporary school environment in England has been identified as stressful for both staff and pupils. School-based interventions aimed at improving well-being and mental health have shown mixed results. The Principle Based Model (PBM) of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought is an untried intervention in English schools and as a working model there is a paucity of research into its potential. The aim of this mixed-methods pilot study was to investigate the effectiveness of the PBM as a means of increasing the psychological well-being of staff and pupils. The study was a 16-week pre, post, and follow-up study using the Friedman Well-Being Scale (FWBS) as a measure of psychological well-being, and analyzed using matched sample t tests and repeated measures ANOVA. The study was carried out in a high school in the east of England with 10 staff and nine pupils. The staff and pupils involved received the PBM as a psychoeducational program. During the follow-up period, six members of staff and one pupil were interviewed and the transcripts analyzed using Thematic Analysis. The pre to post total FWBS scores showed an increase in psychological well-being for both staff and pupils but only the change for pupils was statistically significant. Post to follow-up total FWBS scores for both staff and pupils showed no significant change. This study provides some initial evidence to suggest that the PBM may be a useful tool for schools to utilize in attempting to increase psychological well-being.
Kessel A., Neil, M., Marmer, E., & Malik, R. (2017). A superpower? An educational initiative? Or something else … Journal of Public Mental Health, 16(4), 169-171.
Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to raise awareness of an understanding of “how the mind works” that has been gaining considerable traction in the coaching world and, increasingly, in the health education sphere. Design/methodology/approach: A brief review of the “Three Principles” understanding of how the mind works (including definitions of the principles of thought, consciousness and mind), and an assessment of the strengths and challenges of this understanding. Findings: Examples are provided of how this approach (labelled an educational initiative rather than a therapy) is being used professionally and how this understanding of how the mind works can make stress, anxiety and work-related problems appear different; recommendations include the establishment of a professional body, and the need for more research around the effectiveness of the approach. Originality/value: Despite the need for greater professionalization and more research evidence, the “Three Principles” understanding has huge potential to transform people’s lives – whether at work or home, for individuals with (or without) common mental health problems, and for those with chronic long-term conditions.
Kelley, T. M., Hollows, J., Lambert, E. G., Savard, D., & Pransky, J. (2017). Teaching health vs. treating dysfunction: The efficacy of three principles correctional counseling with residents in an English prison. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
Abstract: Three principles correctional counseling (3PCC) posits that people in prison have inner mental health they have innocently obscured to varying degrees with their own thinking. 3PCC further posits that people in prison can rekindle and sustain this inner health via understanding how three psycho-spiritual principles—Universal Mind, consciousness and thought—coalesce to form people’s psychological experience. We review the three principles and explain how exposure to these principles can lead to improved mental health and behavior. Then we describe 3PCC and distinguish it from prevailing correctional counseling methods. Finally, we present a controlled preliminary study that examines the efficacy of 3PCC for improving the mental health and behavior of residents in an English prison. Our findings show that participants exposed to 3PCC showed a significant improvement in mental wellbeing and purpose in life, a significant reduction in depression, anxiety and anger, and improved behavior in the prison community.
Pransky, J., & Kelley, T. M. (2017). How the formless comes into form: A process by which Universal Mind powers consciousness and thought to create people’s psychological lives. Cogent Psychology, DOI:10.1080/23311908.2017. 1307633.
Abstract: In a moment of spiritual enlightenment, Sydney Banks claimed to see” how three psycho-spiritual principles—Universal Mind, Consciousness and Thought—coalesce to create all psychological experience. While considerable literature exists that describes these principles, their spiritual basis, and the intervention grounded in them, little scientific evidence has been offered that might corroborate what Banks professed to understand through his realization. To help fill this gap, the authors propose a process by which formless energy comes into physical form within human beings via Universal Mind powering Consciousness and Thought to create people’s psychological lives. Further, the authors offer a scientific basis for what appear to be the steps or phases in this process. This view distinguishes three levels of thought and posits that thought at each of these levels precedes people’s every psychological experience—their sensations, perceptions, emotions—and their behavior. Ways that people can intervene in or affect this process in their best interests are proposed
Kelley, T. M., Alexander, J., & Pransky, J. (2017). Drawing-out inner resilience in children and high-risk adolescents via exposing them to three psycho-spiritual principles. Journal of Child and Adolescent Behaviour, 5(2), DOI: 10.4172/2375-4494.1000343
Abstract: We propose that resilience is the most natural state for all children and adolescents. We further posit that because most children and adolescents have not been exposed to the principles that explain how people’s psychological experience is formed, they innocently obscure their inner resilience with their own thinking. We first describe three principles that appear to explain the psychological lives of all children and adolescents. Then we explain the source of natural resilience and how it is accessed. Finally, we present a preliminary study that examines the effects on the resilience of children and adolescents by exposing them to these principles. Compared to their controls, children and adolescents exposed to the principles showed a significant improvement in resilience with “high-risk” adolescents showing the greatest improvement and a significant reduction in risky behavior. Participants related these positive effects to insights regarding thought and innate resilience gained through understanding the three principles.
Kelley, T. M., Pransky, J., & Lambert, E. (2016). Realizing improved mindfulness/flow/ mental health through understanding three spiritual principles. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health,
Abstract: A new spiritual understanding commonly known as the Three Principles proposes that mindfulness/flow/mental health is people’s most natural state and can be realized and sustained by everyone via insights gained through understanding three spiritual principles—Universal Mind, Consciousness, and Thought. We test this proposition for people exposed to the intervention grounded in these principles. The results appear to support our prediction that insight regarding “thought recognition” and/or “innate health via a clear mind” gained through understanding these spiritual principles will show a significant positive relationship with mindful attention, mindful acceptance, flow experience, and mental health.
Kelley, T. M., Pransky, J., & Lambert, E. (2016) Understanding spiritual principles or using techniques to realize and sustain optimal mental health. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 18(3), 217-238.
Abstract: The primary goal of positive psychology is understanding and facilitating optimal mental health. However, absent fundamental causal principles that explain human psychological experience positive psychology is unlikely to achieve this goal. We posit that fundamental causal principles may already have been uncovered and offer a study that tests the process from exposure to these principles to improved mental health. The results appear to support our prediction that insights regarding “thought recognition” and/or “innate mental health via a clear mind” gained through understanding these principles will show a significant positive relationship with hedonic well-being, eudaimonic well-being, social well-being and optimal mental health.
Kelley, T. M., Pransky, J., & Lambert, E. (2015). Realizing improved mental health through understanding three spiritual principles. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 2(4), 267-281.
Abstract: A new psycho-spiritual understanding commonly known as the Three Principles proposes that people can realize and sustain improved mental health via insights gained through understanding the spiritual principles of Universal Mind, Consciousness, and Thought. We test this proposition for people exposed to the Three Principles as an intervention. The results appear to support our prediction that insights regarding “thought recognition” and/or “innate mental health via a clear mind,” gained through Three Principles understanding, show a significant positive relationship with non-attachment and regulating negative emotions, and a significant inverse relationship with rumination, depression, and anxiety.
Kelley, T. M., Pransky, J. & Lambert, E. A. (2015). Inside-out or outside-in: Understanding spiritual principles versus depending on techniques to realize improved mindfulness/mental health. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health 17(3), 153-171.
Abstract: We examine the relationship between understanding the spiritual principles of Universal Mind, Consciousness and Thought and perceived dependence on mindfulness techniques to realize improved mindfulness/mental health. Participants exposed to the intervention grounded in these principles also reported practicing meditation and/or mindfulness-based intervention techniques. The results support our prediction that as participant’s understanding of these spiritual principles increases, their perceived dependence on mindfulness techniques to realize mindfulness/mental health will decrease and as participant’s perceived dependence on mindfulness techniques decreases, their ability to maintain well-being during unpleasant mood states will increase.
Kelley, T. M., Pransky, J., & Sedgeman, J. (2014). Realizing resilience in trauma exposed juvenile offenders: A promising new intervention for juvenile justice professionals. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 7, 143-151.
Abstract: Considerable evidence suggests that untreated childhood trauma is a contributing factor to delinquency and juvenile justice system involvement. This paper describes a promising new intervention for at-risk youth and juvenile offenders with traumatic histories grounded in a model commonly referred to as the three principles. This intervention attempts to draw out the inner mental health and resilience in trauma exposed young offenders and provide them with a new perspective on their past traumas that can prevent them from infecting the present. First, the origin, nature, and logic of the three principles are described. Next, the three principles intervention is described and compared to cognitive and other trauma interventions. Then, several guideposts followed by effective three principles practitioners are described. Finally, empirical evidence is presented in support of the efficacy of this intervention with at-risk youth, juvenile offenders and adults with traumatic histories.
Pransky, J., & Kelley, T. M. (2014). Three principles for realizing mental health: A new psycho-spiritual view. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 9, 53-68.
Abstract: We offer a new psycho-spiritual understanding of mental health grounded in the three principles of Universal Mind, Consciousness, and Thought. This understanding proposes that all people have innate mental health they can access and sustain regardless of past or present circumstances. We first describe the three principles; explain how they appear to work within people to create their psychological lives; and present evidence in support of their spiritual basis. We then distinguish the intervention based on these principles from cognitive and other psychotherapies and describe several guideposts followed by practitioners grounded in this understanding. Finally, we offer empirical evidence of the effectiveness of three principles intervention.
Kelley, T. M., and Pransky, J. (2013). Principles for realizing resilience: A new view of trauma and human resilience. Journal of Traumatic Stress Disorders and Treatment, 2, 1,
Abstract: This paper offers a new view of trauma and human resilience based on three principles for realizing resilience. This view challenges the current perspective of how and why traumatic events appear to induce and sustain painful symptoms from the outside, by explaining how these symptoms are created and maintained from within, regardless of circumstances. It proposes that all people can access innate resilience allowing them to move through loss and trauma with minimal distress, grace, and even positive emotions. It distinguishes between accessing innate resilience from coping with loss and trauma with social supports, personality traits, and management strategies. While more rigorous, controlled research is needed to document the efficacy of interventions based on these principles, existing supportive evidence is compelling and appears to warrant the field’s attention.
Kelley, T. M. (2011) Thought recognition and psychological well-being: An empirical test of principle based correctional counselling, Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 11(2), 140-147.
Abstract: Aims: To determine the relationship between thought recognition, a major construct of principle-based correctional counselling, and psychological wellbeing. Method: Following several weekly group sessions of Principle-Based Correctional Counselling, 54 adult prisoners on probation completed two measures of thought recognition and the Well-Being Inventory. In a follow-up study, 30 participants completed the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale. Results: Significant positive relationships were found between both measures of thought recognition and psychological wellbeing and, in the follow-up study, both measures of thought recognition and mindfulness. Discussion: Possible explanations for the relationship between thought recognition and psychological wellbeing, and thought recognition and mindfulness are discussed. Implications for practice: Teaching correctional clients the principles behind generic human psychological functioning, and the innate design behind human thinking, appears to improve their thinking and draw out their innate healthy functioning.
Kelley, T. M., & Lambert, E. (2012). Mindfulness as a potential means of attenuating anger and aggression for prospective criminal justice professionals. Mindfulness. 3(4), 261-274.
Abstract: This study is the first to examine the potential role of mindfulness for attenuating anger and aggression in prospective criminal justice professionals. The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, Aggression Questionnaire, Hostile Attribution Bias Scale, and Thought Recognition Inventory were administered to 272 undergraduate criminal justice majors. The results of a multivariate analysis of variance model indicated that dispositional mindfulness related negatively with self-reported aggression and hostile attribution bias and positively with thought recognition. A possible relationship between mindfulness and thought recognition may operate to influence other mechanisms to heighten mental health, as well as reduce anger and aggression. The potential benefits of mindfulness and thought recognition training for criminal justice professionals and prospective criminal justice professionals are discussed.
Halcon, L. L., Robertson, C. L., & Monsen, K. A. (2010). Evaluating health realization for coping among refugee women. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 15, 408-425.
Abstract: Many East African refugee women have experienced torture and trauma while fleeing from their home countries. Many also experience high rates of isolation, depression, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder after resettlement. Effective methods are needed for improving the mental well-being of this population. This pilot study (N1/419) tested the feasibility, accessibility, and acceptability of a strengths-based, community-delivered intervention with Somali and Ethiopian women refugees. Feasibility was established through recruitment, retention, participation, and participant response. Accessibility was established through providing meals, transportation, and child-care assistance. Acceptability was established through evaluating translated materials, cultural congruence, and perceived relevance. Results support testing in a full-scale controlled study.
Kelley, T. M. (2008). Principle-based correctional counseling: Teaching health versus treating illness. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice. 4 (2), 182-202.
Abstract: Principle-based correctional counseling (PBCC) is based on the assumption that all offenders have innate mental health. Thus, the primary goal of PBCC is to teach offenders how to rekindle and experience their natural capacity for psychological well-being. PBCC accomplishes this by teaching offenders: (a) how the principles of Mind, Thought, and Consciousness create their experience from the inside-out, and (b) how to use their thinking agency in accord with its natural design. According to PBCC, as offenders understand these principles and realize how to use thought in their best interest, their overall psychological functioning improves. This paper describes the principles and assumptions behind PBCC and compares this paradigm to other contemporary correctional counseling models on several key dimensions. Finally, it summarizes research findings supporting the effectiveness of PBCC-based interventions with adolescent and adult offenders.
Banerjee, K., Howard, M., Manheim, K., & Beattie, M. (2007). Comparison of health realization and 12-step treatment in women’s residential substance abuse treatment programs. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 33, 207-215.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to compare a relatively new therapeutic option for substance abuse treatment, Health Realization, and 12-Step approaches offered in women’s residential programs. The study was sponsored by a large California county’s Department of Alcohol and Drug Services, which had offered Health Realization treatment for a number of years. This study constitutes the first systematic evaluation of Health Realization as a substance abuse treatment program for adult women in a residential treatment setting. This was a randomized study with two observations-admission and 9 months post-admission. The results showed that clients in both Health Realization and 12-Step treatment exhibited comparable outcomes on domains such as substance use, criminal justice involvement, employment, housing, adverse effects of substance use and psychological well-being. Substance use declined significantly between admission and follow-up in both treatment groups, irrespective of duration of treatment. Similarly, adverse effects of substance use declined between admission and 9-month follow-up. Health Realization and 12-Step treatment offered comparable benefits for women in residential substance abuse treatment programs.
Halcon, L. L., Robertson, C. L., Monson, K. A., & Claypatch, C. C. (2007). A theoretical framework for using health realization to reduce stress and improve coping in refugee communities. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 25(3), 186-94.
Abstract: Refugees have faced extraordinarily stressful situations in their past, and many continue to experience stress daily as they cope with the refugee adjustment experience. A strengths-based, community-focused intervention known as Health Realization (HR) is a promising strategy for nurses to promote positive psychological outcomes in these populations. Although similar in some ways to cognitive therapy, the HR intervention emphasizes the role of thought versus the content of thought. It does not promote actively changing intrusive or negative thoughts but rather promotes an understanding that allows a degree of detachment from thoughts–a shift in consciousness that can provide relief and facilitate healing. An adapted stress and coping model provides a theoretical framework to test the effectiveness of using HR with refugees, which in turn provides a solid foundation for research that can support or refute the existing substantial anecdotal evidence for the use of this intervention in holistic nursing practice.
Sedgeman, J. A., & Sarwari, A. (2006). The effect of a health realization/innate health psychoeducational seminar on stress and anxiety in HIV-positive patients. Medical Science Monitor, 12(10), 397–399.
Abstract: Chronic stress and depression have a negative impact on immune functioning and threaten the well-being of HIV-positive patients. Although therapy methods, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, have been shown to reduce stress and depression in such patients, not all patients are willing or able to undergo therapy over time. The Health Realization/Innate Health (HR/IH) psychoeducational approach is a brief intervention alternative that can be presented in a classroom setting. It engages participants’ innate capacity to realize peace of mind. Eight volunteer participants from patients in the Positive Health Clinic at West Virginia University School of Medicine attended a 1-1/2 day HR/IH seminar called “Finding Your Natural Peace of Mind”. Shortly before the seminar started, the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) was administered by a Clinic staff member. The BSI was administered again immediately following the seminar. The BSI was mailed to the participants four weeks following the seminar with a return envelope. Participants’ confidentiality was maintained through a coded ID. Pre-, post- and follow-up results were compared. Each case was evaluated individually. The participant who pre-tested in the “psychiatric inpatient” range of the BSI showed no change after the seminar or at follow-up. The participants who tested in the non-patient normal range before the seminar showed some improvement after and at follow-up. The participants who scored in the “psychiatric outpatient” range entering the seminar all showed improvement that was sustained upon follow-up. The HR/IH psychoeducational approach deserves further study as a brief intervention for stress-reduction in HIV-positive patients.
Sedgeman, J. A. (2005). Health realization/innate health: Can a quiet mind and positive feeling state be accessible over the lifespan without stress relief techniques? Medical Science Monitor, 11, 47 –52.
Abstract: Health Realization/Innate Health (HR/IH) questions long-held assumptions about chronic stress, and challenges current definitions of both stress and resiliency. HR/IH sets forth principles that explain why the experience of psychological stress is not an effect of causal factors beyond people’s control, but is an artifact of the energetic potential of the mind. HR/IH describes the “cognitive factor” in stress not as the content of people’s thinking in response to stressors, but rather as a quality of the way people hold and use their thinking, referred to as state of mind. HR/IH hypothesizes that understanding principles that explain the nature and origin of thinking and experience offers a means to access innate protective processes that are healing and antibiosenescent reliably and consistently, without techniques. HR/IH suggests that the primary effort of mental health care could be to initiate life-long prevention of the state of chronic stress. In addition, HR/IH suggests that addressing mental well-being would have a broad impact on the incidence and course of the many physical illnesses that are known to be stress-related. The brief therapeutic interactions of HR/IH draw upon people’s innate wisdom and recognition of the healthy perspective available to everyone. Anecdotal results suggest that people who gain insight into the principles that explain the nature of thought and experience and who realize how to re-access a natural, positive state of mind can and do experience sustained day-to-day peace of mind, wisdom and well-being, regardless of circumstances. HR/IH deserves rigorous scientific evaluation.
Kelley, T. M. (2005). Mental health and prospective police professionals. Policing. 4, 1, 6-27.
Abstract: Purpose – To assess the mental health of members of the police force and expose any gaps existing at what should be its ideal level, with reference to aspiring policemen of the future. Aims – To explain the health realization model and give a definition of optimal mental health with specific reference to the police force. Design/methodology/approach – Employs the Well-Being Inventory, a survey instrument designed specifically to measure five dimensions of optimal mental health, to assess the mental condition of 179 prospective police professionals. Findings – The results of the survey appear to suggest that future job satisfaction for many prospective police professionals in the study could be less than optimal, with the implication that high notes of mental dysfunction in its various forms could be experienced. Practical implications – It is imperative that sound mental health instruction be incorporated into all future police training programs. However, further research needs to be done in order to advance a process which is at present only experimental. Originality/value – Emphasizes the value of teaching future police officers the nature and source of optimal psychological functioning.
Kelley, T. M. (2004). Positive psychology and adolescent mental health: False promise or true breakthrough? Adolescence. 39, 154, 257-278.
Abstract: The emerging field of positive psychology has pledged to improve the mental health of American adolescents. Yet, without a principle-based conceptual foundation to guide its study of optimal youth functioning, positive psychology will ultimately fail to keep its promise. This paper suggests that the principles of Mind, Thought and Consciousness can provide positive psychology with a clearer understanding of optimal psychological functioning, serve as a unifying conceptual framework to guide its proposed mission, and lead to a true breakthrough in adolescent mental health. It first describes how the logic of these principles accounts for all subjective human experience. It then demonstrates how optimal mental health is generated, and how it can be maintained irrespective of present or past circumstances. Finally, it discusses how several contemporary models of positive psychology (i.e., Csikszentmihalyi’s flow. Seligman’s learned optimism, Goleman’s emotional intelligence, and Buss’s evolutionary perspective) can be simplified and clarified using the logic of the above three principles.
Kelley, T. M. (2003). Preventing youth violence through Health Realization. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. 1, 4, 369-387.
Abstract: This article proposes that youth violence is primarily a function of the generally poor mental health of American youth. It asserts, therefore, that the optimal solution to this vexing problem is to teach young people how to live in the experience of psychological health that is their birthright. It then suggests that this can be best accomplished by helping youth understand the principles behind Health Realization—a psycho-spiritual model that purports to account for all youthful behavior. The three principles behind Health Realization (i.e., Mind, Consciousness, and Thought) are delineated, contemporary research in support of its major assumptions cited, and the results of applied Health Realization programs with at-risk youth in clinical, educational, and community empowerment settings described.
Kelley, T. M. (2003). Health Realization: A Principle-based psychology of positive youth development. Child and Youth Care Forum. 1, 47-72.
Abstract: While we have numerous research-based programs for youth aimed at curbing drug use, violence, suicide, teen pregnancy, and delinquency, we lack a rigorous principle-based psychology of positive youth development. Instead of focusing on fixing what is assumed to be missing or broken in at-risk youth, we need a psychology grounded in fundamental causal principles that reveal clearly how such children and adolescents can become self-motivated, socially competent, compassionate, and psychologically vigorous adults. While the emerging field of positive psychology has attempted to shift the field’s emphasis from understanding and treating youthful dysfunction to facilitating well-being and resiliency in young people, it lacks a principle-based foundation and continues to mistakenly endorse external causes of positive affect and prosocial behavior. This paper offers a unique, principle-based psychology of positive youth development commonly known as health realization (HR).The underlying principles of HR are delineated, contemporary research that supports its major assumptions cited, and the results of applied HR research with at-risk youth in clinical, educational, and community empowerment settings described.
Kelley, T. M., & Stack, S. A. (2000). Thought recognition, locus of control, and adolescent well-being. Adolescence. 25, 139, 531-550.
Abstract: This paper reviews the underlying assumptions and principles of a new psychological paradigm, Psychology of Mind/Health Realization (POM/HR). A core concept of POM/HR, thought recognition, is then compared with locus of control (LOC), a well-known psychological construct. Next, the relationship of LOC to self-reported happiness and satisfaction is examined from the perspective of POM/HR, using a sample of 1,872 at-risk adolescents from 17 nations. The findings support POM/HR predictions that (1) locus of control would account for a slight portion of the variance in adolescent happiness and satisfaction, (2) circumstances that are external in nature would account for additional variance in happiness and satisfaction, and (3) there would be little difference in self-reported happiness and satisfaction between adolescents self-reporting high and low internal LOC. Further, it was conjectured that the adolescents mistook superficial emotions, such as excitement and security, for genuine feelings of well-being. Finally, the implications for prevention and intervention efforts with at-risk adolescents are discussed.
Additional 3P Peer Reviewed Publications/Comments
Kelley, Thomas M. (2005). Natural resilience and innate mental health. (Refereed Comment) American Psychologist, 56, 1, 36-37. American Psychologist. 60, 3, 265.
Kelley, Thomas M. (2001). The need for a principle-based positive psychology. (Refereed Comment) American Psychologist, 56, 1, 36-37.
Kelley, T. M. (1996).A critique of social bonding and control theory of delinquency using the principles of Psychology of Mind. Adolescence. 31, 122, 321-327.
Kelley, T. M. (1993). Neo-cognitive learning theory: Implications for prevention and early intervention strategies with at-risk youth. Adolescence. 28, 110, 439-460.
Kelley, T. M. (1993). An advanced criminology based on Psychology of Mind. Offender Rehabilitation. 19, 173-190.
Kelley, T. M. (1990). A neo-cognitive model of crime. Offender Rehabilitation. 16, 1-26. Mills, R., Dunham, R., & Alpert, G. (1988). Working with high-risk youth in prevention and early intervention programs: Toward a comprehensive wellness model. Adolescence, 23(91), 643-660.